6012 YORK BLVD, LA, 90042~ 213.424.8330

Agave Americana "Agave"

Agave Americana "Agave"

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6" grow pot (1 gallon)

10" grow pot (5 gallon)

16" grow pot (15 gallon)

*Drought tolerant 

 Agave Americana, also known as 'Marginata' is best known to be a beautiful looking rosette succulent plant. This desert plant makes a dramatic focal point or accent and can be used in decorative pots away from foot traffic. 

Light: Requires direct sunlight. You can also provide them with a bit of shade during the day as too much light could end up burning them.

Water: Does not require frequent watering. You should only water this plant once the soil dries out fully and if the climate is quite dry as well. Make sure the plant has good drainage so that waterlogging does not occur, which will cause rot.

Humidity: Prefers a hot & dry climate. When they become dormant in winters, you should protect them from frost by shifting them indoors. Controlling the humidity is also a good idea when it comes to the health of these plants.

Temperature: It prefers warm spring and summer temperatures 70ºF/21ºC – 90ºF/32ºC and cooler fall and winter temperatures 50ºF/10ºC – 60ºF/15ºC. 

Fertilizer: You do not need to add fertilizer to the plant too frequently during the growing season since the plant can derive sufficient nutrients even without it. You can, however, add a balanced and diluted fertilizer about once a year. Minimal fertilizing will also help retain the slow growth of this plant and prevent flowers from blooming too quickly so that the plant can live for longer.

Soil:  Well-draining so that no excess water gets left behind as this could lead to root rot.

Toxicity: Considered mildly toxic. The plant has oxalate crystals in its leaves, which can cause extreme irritation.